Service Agreement and Cancellation-Refund Conditions
⬥ This Agreement has been prepared to regulate the legal relationship between the Parent and the School.
⬥ The subject of this Agreement is to determine the obligations of the Parent who will register the person under his/her custody to receive education at the School and the obligations of the School that will provide the education service and other ancillary services, if any.
⬥ The school will provide education services at the primary school level to the student who is under the custody of the Parent and registered to the School, during the academic year covered by this Agreement. According to the terms of the existing agreement with the parent, in addition to the education service, service, meals, etc. Some additional services may also be provided by the School.
⬥ The school undertakes to provide education in accordance with Turkish law and education legislation and in a way that establishes at least the minimum obligations existing in the legislation. However, the School does not guarantee success/degree/grade/exam in any way. In this sense, the School is committed to providing only educational services.
⬥ The following year's tuition and other fees (meal, shuttle, dormitory, etc.) are announced by the School between January and the end of May. Fees for excursions and similar social and cultural activities are notified before the activity. The parent will pay the fees for the activity that the student is allowed to participate in to the school before the activity.
⬥ The school may unilaterally decide, for any reason, that the student will benefit from education services free of charge. In this case, the education fee received from the Parent will be refunded to the Parent either in lump sum or in installments until the end of the year.
⬥ If the student under his/her custody leaves the school after signing this Agreement, only the minimum fees to be paid by the School specified in Article 56 of the Private Educational Institutions Regulation will be refunded to the parent. In this case, any transfer expenses, commissions, expenses and similar fees will be covered by the Parent. This issue has been accepted by the Parent. If the student receives a disciplinary penalty for changing the school, the parent is obliged to pay the entire contract fee as promised. In this case, no refund can be requested by the Parent.
⬥ In accordance with Article 53 of the Private Educational Institutions Regulation, the tuition fee of the intermediate classes of the schools is announced in the previous academic year, and the tuition fee of the students continuing at the school is the average of the previous year (Y.I-PPI+CPI) It is determined by the School by increasing the )/2 ratio by 5%.
⬥ For students who register during the academic year, the next year's tuition fees are based on the tuition fee announced for the year of registration; For students whose discount conditions for the year of education are eliminated, the tuition fees for the next year will be increased by 5% to the average (PPI-PPI+CPI)/2 rate of the previous year for each year of education, based on the non-discounted fee in the year the student registered to the school. determined.
⬥ Magazines, newspapers, brochures, posters, trailers, etc. published or to be published regarding school promotions. It is possible for the School to use the student's and/or parent's image/photo and name, exam scores and grades in publications such as. This issue has been accepted by the Parent. In such a case, no rights or receivables will be claimed from the School by the Parent or Student.
⬥ Within the framework of the limits and curriculum determined by the Ministry of National Education, the method of education, the number of students in the classes, the selection and replacement of teachers can be changed unilaterally and without prior notice by the school. The parent accepts and declares this matter. If the education service fee specified in this Agreement is not paid in full and complete by the Parent, the School has the right not to renew the student's registration. This matter is entirely at the School's unilateral discretion.
⬥ The parent must make the necessary payments for the services to be provided by the School on time, in full and in accordance with the payment plan on the first page, in accordance with the School's …… which has also been notified to the Governorship. He is obliged to do it on his account. Education and Training support to be covered by the Ministry is an exception to this provision.
⬥ Parent; He/she accepts that the promissory note or promissory notes to be issued for the tuition fee, meal fee or any other fee to be collected from him/her be given to the banks that the School has agreements with for collection/clearing or any similar transaction. At the same time, the Parent accepts and undertakes to make an additional payment to the School for services, expenses and other expenses other than the educational services provided by the School or the bank for the promissory note or promissory notes protested by the bank, in case the promissory notes given to the bank are not paid. This also applies if the education service fee is refunded for any reason. That is, the commission and other expenses to be charged by the bank are deducted from the amount to be paid to the Parent and returned to the Parent. This issue has been accepted by the Parent.
⬥ If the Parent pays the tuition fee from the relevant banks with which the school has an agreement, only for the tuition fee and through an account to be opened upon his request or through a loan to be allocated depending on the account, if the account and loan application regarding the request is approved by the bank, no additional promissory note will be taken from the Parent. .
⬥ If the Parent pays to the School in installments by credit card, or if the Parent requests and the School deems appropriate, in case of re-installments, any commissions, expenses, interest and similar fees to be collected by the bank will be paid by the Parent.
⬥ Parent; The student under his/her custody is obliged to inform the School of his/her excuse for the days of absence within the same day.
⬥ Although one of the parties to this Agreement tries to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in good faith, on time and in accordance with this Agreement, if it cannot fully fulfill or delays in fulfilling its obligations due to a Force Majeure Event (natural disaster, epidemic disease, etc.), the party in question will not be able to fulfill the Force Majeure Event. As long as the Force Majeure situation continues, it will not be deemed to be in default and the time to fulfill its obligations will be postponed for as long as the Force Majeure situation continues. The party exposed to Force Majeure shall notify the other party of the occurrence of the Force Majeure situation, its reason, possible duration and obligations expected to be affected by the Force Majeure. The party exposed to Force Majeure shall make its best efforts in good faith to minimize the damages that the other party may suffer.
⬥ In order to fulfill the matters stated in this agreement and to make the necessary notifications, the Parent; He accepts and undertakes that the above-mentioned addresses are his legal and current residence addresses and that in case of a change of address, he will notify the School in writing within 15 days. Otherwise, notifications to be made to the Parent's address specified in this Agreement will be deemed valid.